marketing, crm, email


ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION is an automated marketing platform for hotels. The integrated ADDITIVE+ CRM collects data from different sources such as PMS, websites, newsletters, ad platforms or social media channels and calculates detailed business and marketing metrics as well as centralized and consolidated guest profiles.

Increased Revenue Generation
The combination of accurate reservation data and targeted marketing campaigns can lead to higher conversion rates and upsell opportunities, ultimately boosting revenue.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Access to detailed business and marketing metrics allows hoteliers to make informed decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and allocate resources effectively.

Integration features

Automated Marketing Campaigns

Utilize guest data from apaleo to create targeted marketing campaigns in ADDITIVE+, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Advanced Segmentation

Leverage detailed guest profiles from apaleo to create highly targeted segmentation in ADDITIVE+, allowing for personalized communication and offers.

Enhanced Guest Experience

By integrating reservation and guest data, hoteliers can offer personalized experiences, improving guest satisfaction and loyalty.


ADDITIVE+ has not shared public pricing.