About ailean for hospitality
Products like ChatGPT or hospitality chatbots, usually just provide information, but do not execute tasks. ailean changes this by being the first AI in the hospitality industry that can actually perform any task within a hotel's Property Management System.
- Communication
- ailean communicates with guests via WhatsApp around the clock in over 100 languages.
- Bookings and Reservations
- ailean has full access to PMS systems such as Apaleo, allowing her to handle all PMS-based tasks, from creating new reservations to exporting a PDF bill after checkout.
- Concierge
- ailean provides up-to-date information on local weather, restaurant ratings, opening hours, and event locations.
- Payment
- Guests can use ailean to make payments for new bookings or settle open balances during their stays, utilizing systems such as Adyen or Stripe.
Integration features
Full Apaleo Integration
ailean integrates flawlessly with Apaleo's PMS, enabling real-time data exchange. This ensures that guest information, room availability, and reservations are always up-to-date, facilitating personalized guest experiences and efficient hotel management.