Business Intelligence - Lighthouse

The hospitality industry’s #1 ranked Business Intelligence solution.

About Business Intelligence - Lighthouse

Lighthouse BI is an award winning, brand-neutral business intelligence platform. With BI, you can get all of the data you need in a single view - giving the right people on your team the right information to make informed decisions.

Quickly and easily monitor your portfolio - streamlining the entire end-to-end process of revenue management.

Automate data collection from property management systems, simplifying reporting. Empowering your team to uncover revenue opportunities.

Optimize your forecast and budget process. Keep everyone in sync with daily snapshots.

Increase Productivity
Automate reporting and analysis across multiple systems, enabling your commercial team to better collaborate and scale
Boost Revenue
Analyze and strategize to uncover revenue opportunities that go beyond standard room metrics
Streamline Data
Breakdown silos of fragmented, legacy hotel systems and surface insights via AI
Scale Efficiently
Standardize your processes across hotels to allow you the operational capacity to grow

Integration features

Hotel Snapshot

The top data you need to monitor to drive daily engagement with each of your properties. Includes powerful heat map widget to monitor pickup and annual summary module to track forecast, budget, and pace.

Portfolio Dashboard

See your entire portfolio or organization at the click of a button. Monitor portfolio pickup, spot market segment trends, and gain the edge on your competition at enterprise scale.

Day by Day

Run your entire revenue call with Market Segment, Rate Plan, LOS Analysis and much more at your fingertips.


Business Intelligence - Lighthouse has not shared public pricing.