
We are the German market leader in AI for guest communication in hospitality. One AI for your Hotel.
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About DialogShift

Hi there! We are the German market leader in AI for guest communication in the hospitality industry. 🚀 Around 1000 hotels - from well-known hotel chains to family-run establishments with eight rooms - are supported by us in their guest communication.

DialogShift supports hotels with the latest AI technology in guest communication. Our AI, equipped with hotel-specific knowledge, responds to guest inquiries in the hotel's tone 24/7 in over 100 languages via chat (website, WhatsApp, social media, etc.), email, or phone (coming soon). With our chatbot, email, review, and phone AI, you significantly increase productivity, ease the burden on your team, and boost direct bookings. This leaves more time for the most important thing: your guests. 💙 An AI solution for all your hotel communication needs!

Our innovative company, based in the heart of Berlin, develops digital assistants powered by the latest technology: Generative AI. Up to five Large Language Models (LLMs) are at work, ranging from OpenAI to Mistral AI. This AI leverages hotel-specific knowledge, utilizing a specialized technology that reliably reads and extracts information from documents and websites.

Our chatbots conduct human-like conversations, leading to higher customer satisfaction. With an automation rate exceeding 95%, we help hotels sustainably increase their direct bookings and reduce commissions. Our custom-designed chatbots are tailored to enhance engagement and conversion. One in three people who interact with your DialogShift chatbot ends up booking a stay. 🎉

Sounds good? That's not all. With our Email AI, you'll be twice as fast at handling emails. Copy, paste, send. It's that simple with Email AI. It's like room service for your inbox. Email AI reduces the time spent on email dialogues from eight to three minutes. Our AI solutions possess hotel-specific knowledge, knowing your establishment as well as you do. 🧠 Additionally, they are trained to write exactly as you instruct.

Is the phone at the reception ringing nonstop? We got you! DialogShift is soon launching Phone AI, which will ease the workload at your reception. Your hotel AI (the same one that responds in chats or writes emails) will answer calls and address guest inquiries quickly and reliably, at any time of day or night. ⏰ The Review AI uses the same technology to formulate responses to your guest reviews, no matter how tricky the situation. 😉

And of course: Data security & GDPR compliance according to German law. Let's make your hotel future-proof! 🚀

Higher conversion 🚀
Convert chat users to guests through the booking engine (IBE) integretion. Save your guests waiting time and give them the answers they are looking for in seconds.
Employee relief 💙
Your team is way too precious to hang around the telephone all day answering repetitive questions. 95% automation. Enable your staff for what really matters in the hotel industry: great service. 💙
Various Channels 📲
Reach your guests right where they are. You can integrate your DialogShift Chatbot in your Website chat, WhatsApp, Code2Order, Facebook Messenger and Web Chat.
Detailed report and statistics 📊
Keep track of what you're doing. View performance insights at any time and constantly improve your bot. Our personal support by customer success managers helps you with this if needed. 👷🏽‍♀️

Integration features

Reservation creation

DialogShift will create a reservation in apaleo

Reservation modification

DialogShift will add, replace or remove: - Comment - GuestComment - PaymentAccount - TravelPurpose - AdditionalGuests - company (using company/Id, and only if not already set) - Commission - PrimaryGuest - ValidationMessages


Chatbot AI

Monthly fee: 150 € + 1 € per room (max. 350 € ) Setup: 600 €. 2 months money back guarantee, support and innovations included.

150 €/monthlyPer property
Email AI

Monthly fee: 150 €, Setup: 600 €. As an add-on to Chatbot AI: 99€ per month, 199€ Setup. 2 months money back guarantee. Support included.

150 €/monthlyPer property